Let’s dive into the” Licorice Root Pregnancy Skincare and Dietary Controversy”. When the joyous news of pregnancy arrives, it ushers in a myriad of lifestyle modifications. These alterations often revolve around exercise routines and dietary habits, shape-shifting to accommodate the precious new life growing within.
Surprisingly, licorice root, alongside its derivative, licorice may need to be placed on your pregnancy avoidance list. A Finnish study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology’s March 2017 edition recommended that pregnant individuals practice caution with substantial licorice root or black licorice candy consumption.
The Nature of Licorice Root Pregnancy Skincare- Beneficial or Detrimental?
Known for its wide dispersion across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) highlights that licorice root is often marketed in dried or capsule versions. It bears a favorable reputation in the management of ulcers and stomach disorders, sore throats, and viral infections, contributing to its prominence in licorice root pregnancy skincare and healthcare.
Renowned for its role in flavoring foods and tobacco products, the licorice plant contributes glycyrrhizin, a compound delivering the distinctive licorice taste. Its reference in the FDA’s additives compilation as “licorice and derivatives (ammoniated glycyrrhizin, glycyrrhiza)” emphasizes its pervasiveness.
However, it’s important to note that the licorice plant is not devoid of potential adverse effects. Some health concerns linked to this plant are bloating and water retention typically witnessed during pregnancy, as evidenced by a Heliyon study in June 2021.
This intricate balance between potential benefits and risks forms the foundation for ongoing research, striving to discern the relationship between licorice root consumption and its implications on pregnancy.
Exploring Licorice Root
A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology reveals potential risks associated with prenatal exposure to licorice root, a popular herb, during pregnancy. Pregnant women who consume this sweet-tasting herb might risk having babies exhibiting early puberty symptoms, lowered IQ, and behavioral disorders in their later life, implying that the influence of licorice root extends beyond skincare during pregnancy.
Instead of focusing solely on candies encompassing licorice, the study took into account consumer products such as chewing gum, cookies, ice creams, and drinks, all of which might contain the key ingredient, glycyrrhizin.
The research outcome shows that excess prenatal exposure to glycyrrhizin may impact a child’s cognitive faculties. Children exposed to high amounts of glycyrrhizin in the womb recorded lower IQ scores and displayed weaker memory and reasoning abilities. Moreover, the excessive licorice root exposure revealed heightened symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Girls in the study experiencing higher levels of glycyrrhizin exposure showed signs of early and advanced puberty, standing an inch taller, and weighing around 18 pounds more than those in the low-licorice group.
Contemplating the Safety of Licorice Root Pregnancy Skincare

The study adjusted the results to account for various factors like the mother’s age, smoking tendencies, caffeine and alcohol consumption during pregnancy, alongside the children’s licorice root skincare or consumption habits. The effects mirrored the adverse impacts noted in children exposed to binge drinking environments during gestation.
While no direct cause-effect link is established between licorice root exposure and the varied outcomes in children, it’s acknowledged that other factors could have skewed the results.
In licorice-lover nations like Finland, the government discourages glycyrrhizin consumption by pregnant women. While infrequent indulgence in licorice-flavored sweets or ice cream isn’t harmful, it’s advisable for those pregnant to refrain from regular licorice ingestion.
As the research findings, highlighting the prevalence of licorice root skincare pregnancy concerns, are applied to nations with less licorice consumption, it might translate into an average daily glycyrrhizin ingestion of up to 215 mg. This means pregnant women would be better off regulating their licorice intake.
Implications for licorice root skincare pregnancy
While the mentioned studies extensively investigated the internal effects of consuming licorice root during pregnancy, it is important to highlight the implications for skincare. Licorice root is a common ingredient in various skin products, including creams, serums, and lotions, due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties. It’s often included in formulations to brighten the skin and alleviate conditions like eczema or psoriasis.
The quantity of glycyrrhizin in skincare products may vary significantly from that in licorice-based foods or supplements. And as the skin acts as a barrier, it is possible that only a minimal amount of any applied product’s ingredients reach the bloodstream.
Still, some health practitioners advise caution when using products with licorice root during pregnancy due to the lack of conclusive evidence regarding its safety. Pregnant women are often advised to consult with their healthcare providers before incorporating new skincare products into their routine, especially those containing ingredients like licorice root.
While skincare during pregnancy is essential to maintain a healthy and glowing complexion, it’s crucial to do so carefully and with a well-informed understanding of how ingredients like licorice root may impact overall health and the unborn child. Suitable alternatives to licorice root in skincare during pregnancy can always be explored, as other safe and effective ingredients can provide similar benefits.
Is Licorice Root Pregnancy Skincare Safe for Breastfeeding?
Delving into the realm of herbal medicines, licorice root finds prominent usage, often being hailed as a potential enhancer of maternal milk production in folk medicine. However, the touted benefits warrant scientific clinical trials for validation. In contrast to these folk claims, enduring exposure to licorice has reportedly led to a drop in prolactin levels, which can independently affect milk production negatively.
Persistently overusing licorice can also precipitate adversities like elevated blood pressure, imbalanced body electrolytes, and hormonal disparities. With these potential impacts, the National Institute of Health advocates against oral licorice usage during breastfeeding, particularly as a part of a licorice root skincare regimen during pregnancy.
The Debate Around Licorice Root Pregnancy Skincare : Is it Safe?
While the detrimental effects of consuming licorice during pregnancy are well-established, the safety of using licorice root skincare during pregnancy is still a grey area. Gleaning from the available data, largely recorded in countries where licorice is widely consumed like Italy, Spain, and Scandinavia, the licorice content in skincare products is minimal. Unfortunately, its safety or potential harm is still undetermined due to ethical constraints surrounding testing on pregnant women.
In light of the uncertainties, a cautious approach with licorice root skincare pregnancy regimen is advocated, primarily due to these reasons:
- 1. Licorice is not a pivotal skincare ingredient.
- 2. Alternatives, such as vitamin C and Azelaic acid, can mimic its skin-beneficial effects and are deemed safe during pregnancy.
- 3. Considering the long-term responsibilities accompanied by pregnancy, it is preferable to avoid any uncertain ingredient, like licorice.
Deciphering the Safety of licorice root skincare pregnancy for Breastfeeding Women
Just as with pregnancy, the data surrounding licorice root skincare use during breastfeeding is sparse. The negligible quantity of skin-applied product believed to reach breast milk may make its use safe, but this continues to be a subject of conjecture.
Ensure to consult with your physician before using licorice root skincare while breastfeeding. Caution should be exercised to prevent your infant from accidental ingestion through contact (e.g., reciprocal kisses right after applying cream).
Above all, in case of any lingering doubts or uncertainties, it’s best to avoid having it in your skincare routine.
Conclusion about licorice root skincare pregnancy
despite licorice root’s potential benefits, its use during pregnancy, whether consumed or applied topically, should be approached with care until further research confirms its complete safety. Women are encouraged to make informed decisions when incorporating licorice root into their dietary or skincare routines during pregnancy. It’s best to make these choices under the guidance of healthcare professionals, ensuring both the well-being of the mother and the unborn child.
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